Who is Healthtrust Europe?

HealthTrust Europe has been owned and operated by HCA Healthcare since 2011. Headquartered in Edgbaston, Birmingham, we operate nationally as a platform connecting our healthcare provider and supplier communities to improve healthcare.

We offer solutions to manage spend effectively and improve performance, working with both public and private healthcare providers to optimise the use of products and services to identify cost saving opportunities. We leverage our experience, scale and innovation to negotiate best value public and private sector contracts for healthcare providers.

Established in 2016, a group of customers were invited to join HealthTrust Europe in building a group purchasing organisation. This leverages the purchasing power of the group to negotiate the highest quality products at the best price, available exclusively to our members. The foundation of the HealthTrust Europe model is a patient-focused mission, led by experienced clinical leaders and member advisory boards who conduct a rigorous product vetting and approval process.

Working with the NHS

We hold a strong and long-standing relationship with the NHS, and take a partnership approach to improve healthcare performance. We are committed to developing and delivering solutions that support the needs of public sector healthcare providers, including acute hospitals and non-acute healthcare providers, to achieve their strategic objectives.